Well, we had a wonderful time visiting with our son RC in Corpus Christi, Texas. It was HOT – about 104 degrees and 98 percent humidity – all provided by the Gulf of Mexico, since it hadn’t rained in months. Poor Texas – a lot of it has burned this spring and summer, and what hasn’t burned is just brown and dead. And then just east of this area, people are getting flooded out. What’s that about the testimony of the earth in the last days – the testimony of earthquakes, floods, fires?
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Pazzo and Cole now have bunk beds! |
RC has been amazing about getting our golden dog Pazzo acclimated to RC’s rules. No sleeping on the bed. So he put Pazzo on one of our folding futons, and RC’s dog Cole decided he wanted to get on it too, so it’s now partly folded out – bunk beds for the dogs! Cole gets the bottom bunk and Pazzo gets the top! But apparently we (and Pazzo) have polluted Cole, who stole some meat off the countertop the other day, for the first time in his life. Uh-oh.
And Tucker is happy as a clam – he has a doggie door to use whenever he wants to go outside, and two other dogs his size to play with. Gary, you’re a mensch! Thanks again for taking Tucker – thank you, thank you, thank you. Glad to know Tucker’s happy, and I hope you and Christie are too.
Next stop was Denver, spending a weekend with Kai and his new wife Jacilyn. They seem to be really, really happy together. At their wedding, Jim and I both commented that we hadn’t seen Kai smiling that much in years – and he still is, as is Jacilyn. Their schedules are crazy, what with Kai teaching and doing some extra work after school and Jacilyn working at the Best Buy (Geek Squad member!) and going to college part-time, so they don’t see a lot of each other. Passing ships in the night – reminds me of our early marriage years, when Jim worked three jobs trying to support me and a couple of babies.
Hey, Southern Coloradans - look familiar? |
After Denver, we drove north through Wyoming (which looks just like southern Colorado, only even emptier) to Cody, to enter Yellowstone at the East entrance to the park. That’s when the wrinkle happened.
We spent the night in a hotel called Cowboy Village, and the rooms were actually little log cabin duplexes. Very pretty, very quiet rooms, and we slept very well. But the next morning as we ate our sweet roll breakfast on our own little part of the porch, our neighbor came out to load his car and complained about some animals nosing around the cabin during the night. We said we hadn’t heard a thing – that maybe what he thought was an animal on the roof was simply the metal roof reacting to the high winds we’d had during the night, and that we hadn’t heard anything near our window, where he thought he’d heard something. As he drove off, I stood up to check for animal tracks in the mud next to our cabin – couldn’t see anything from the porch, so I stepped off to investigate further, and CRACK!, stepped wrong and broke my right ankle. Ouch.
So, Jim packed up the stuff from the hotel room, and then we drove to the Urgent Care Center less than half a mile away. Forty-five minutes later we left, equipped with a copy of the x-rays taken, the painkillers in hand, the computer printout of the doctor’s diagnosis (distal fibula fracture), and a splint and two elastic bandages around my right leg. I wish all urgent care centers the same degree of care and concern, as well as efficiency, as we experienced in Cody!
The Pinnacles at the East Entrance to Yellowstone |
The East entrance to Yellowstone is pretty dramatic. Still familiar-looking to us, but we soon were driving around a new site - Yellowstone Lake is cold enough to cause hypothermia in minutes on its surface, but parts of it have thermal vents along the bottom, and the temperature can vary one hundred degrees! Amazing stuff.
American Bison (commonly called buffalo) from my side of the car! No zoom needed! |
And then there are the animals. THE reason for any traffic jam in Yellowstone. The best one, although I couldn't get a picture, was a Park Ranger in his truck, following an old bison bull who had just decided that the easiest way to get where he wanted to go was along the road. The ranger simply drove at 5 mph behind the bull, and the rest of us had to go around, when it was safe. Loved it!
I insisted on hobbling the ¼ mile (round trip) from the parking area to the Yellowstone River Lower Falls – it was worth the effort. Got lots of sympathy! The thunder of the falls rings in your ears long before you see it, and echoes in your head long after you leave the site. I don't often use the word awesome, but this time it fits.
I hope you know that Yellowstone is a huge supervolcano. That means the depth of the ground under any given part of the park can change from year to year - or even more often. There were trees that had fallen into geysers, marking where the crust of the earth had collapsed, and huge bulges in other places showing the pressures at work under the ground. If you want to be humbled, spend a couple days here.
One of the most heartwarming sights was the western section of the Park, which was devasted by a huge wildfire in 1988. National Geographic wrote about the fire, and then a couple years later about how the ecosystem was renewing itself, so I had a little bit of understanding what was going on. But when I saw this sign, and comprehended that most of the full trees were only 23 years old, I was filled with wonder once again at the variety of creation, and amazed that the Lord had designed a tree that would be reseeded because of the heat of a wildfire!
My almost-a-ski-boot |
Anyway! We called our friends the Herds from Yellowstone, and they set up an appointment for us with a doctor in Salt Lake City, who put me in a big plastic immobilizing boot, and set up a schedule of follow-up visits. I’m looking forward to the smaller plastic brace, which is more like an inflatable bobby sock, because this boot is really heavy!
So we are in Salt Lake City for a couple of weeks. Nice to be parked somewhere, instead of living in the car every day. And it’s a good thing we still have a couple of weeks; the visa rules for Tonga just arrived, and we have a few more hoops to jump through. Tonga had some riots in 2006, in which a lot of the capital city of Nufu’aloka was burned. My guess is the strict visa rules that are in force now grew out of that sad experience – you have to have two letters of reference (like a job interview reference letter, but just saying you’re worth letting into the country) AND a letter of good conduct from your local police department, on police stationery and with a notary’s seal!
But now that we’re here, and I’m semi-mobile, we’ll visit some family and friends, including the man who baptized Jim Szoka some 33 years ago – time to pay it forward. And the Herds? Brother Herd was the mission president in Pusan, South Korea when we lived there, and he will be able to be part of the “circle” of those who lay their hands on our heads on October 2, to set us apart as full-time missionaries. Full circle missionaries, yathink?