There are slow-moving, graceful wasps, beautiful butterflies and dragonflies, and plenty of mosquitoes, too, but I don’t seem to itch from a bite as long as I did in Colorado. And they’re not big enough to carry you off, like they are in Michigan! A swarm of termites hatched the other day, creating a cloud outside our little chapel/classroom – wooden furniture needs to be sprayed monthly in order to survive here. And the humidity makes metal rust quickly, so there’s always something to be done!
One of the other senior missionary couples grabbed us the other night, and drove us up the road about a mile. Hanging from a large, mostly-bare tree were about 100 fruit bats – flying foxes. The tourist brochures send bat-seekers elsewhere, but here was a colony of bats just getting ready to launch in the evening sun. We stood and watched them for about 20 minutes, circling and landing back on the trees, and stretching their wings and preening while they hung from the seemingly too-fragile branches. It was wonderful. I have seen these creatures in captivity, but never before in their own wild element. They are meticulously clean, and apparently very social creatures. They eat only fruit that is a little overripe, and there’s plenty to share here. And who could resist an “awwww” when you see their faces? Now when I look up in the sky and see a large set of wings flapping, I smile with anticipation that it might be a flying fox – and it usually is. (Haven’t yet seen the national rugby mascot, the sea eagle.)
While with a group enjoying a coral beach exploration, I saw little fish and tiny crabs with bright green undersides in the tide pools, and one of the other senior missionaries found a blue sea star. He brought it back for all of us to see, then flung it back beyond the reef, where it would have a better chance of survival than in a tidal pool when the tide was going out.
The whitish liquid from the ends of this sea star’s arms was probably caused by the stress of being out of the water.
There are cats around, some domesticated and some feral. But even the ones who live with families are pretty skittish, and it takes some real effort, and usually a few days of offering food scraps, to get a cat to trust you here. And unless you want the cat to live on your back porch, you don’t do the food scrap thing.
And this bird is called a red-vented bulbul, but I like the Tongan name better - a manufo'ou. As soon as I saw this one, I thought, hey, there’s a cousin of a cardinal. It has the same peaked cap, but is larger than a cardinal – about the size of an eastern mockingbird. And it even has a flash of red and a splash of white, on the bottom and top of the back end of its body, just where the tail feathers begin. These guys chirp and whistle all day long, and most of the night, too, when their mates are sitting on eggs. And their chirp is similar to an eastern cardinal – Ch-ch-ch-ch-cheeerrruuppp! No staying unhappy when you listen to them sing. These are the birds we see most often.
I for one am glad that there is such a variety of creatures on this planet. Sure makes life more interesting and enjoyable – reasons to smile all day long. And who doesn’t want a reason to smile?
WOW! Whitney would love this post, I'll have to show her when she gets home! She's so into animals right now...thank you Wild Kratts T.V.! :) Looks like you're having a great time! We miss you!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like even more fun...are you sure you're coming home? The bats especially would be neat. Gets better and better, Bea! Do these animals migrate from other places as well or are they native to Tonga? Let me know if you start eating bugs...Love ya!