Now and then a Primary
child speaks in church here in Tonga. Recently little 9-year old ‘Ofa (means “love”) spoke about the power of
prayer. I offer her story in her
own words (edited with her mother):

My dad had already left to go to work, and I was very
sad. I stood beside my mom and
cried. But then I got a very
strong feeling that I should say a prayer. I looked at my mom.
She told me we needed to kneel down and say a prayer together. Even
though I was still crying, I said the prayer. I asked Heavenly Father, “Please help me go to school
Even before I finished my prayer, I could hear that the rain
had stopped. I said “Amen” and
looked out the window. The wind
was still blowing very hard. The
sky was still dark, but there was
no rain. My brother, my mom and I
stood in the doorway and said another prayer, this time thanking Heavenly
Father for stopping the rain. My
brother and I ran all the way to school.
As soon as I entered my classroom, the heavy rains began again,
and continued all morning. Because
of this experience, my faith grew.
I knew after that day that I have a loving Heavenly Father who hears and
answers my prayers. My mom
told me that President Kimball used to compare prayer to an umbrella or
raincoat to protect us from danger.
On that day when I was six, I found out that I didn’t need an umbrella
or a raincoat, as long as I remembered to pray, and exercise my faith.
I testify that Heavenly Father answers prayers. I know the power of prayer. I am now working on my Faith in God
program, and because of prayer, I feel I am closer to my Father in Heaven, and
I can feel that he really loves me.
This little message
brings me peace, because it makes me remember that God knows each one of us by
name. We are truly his children,
and because he is a loving Father, he knows our names, he knows what we need
(and not just what we want), and he knows how and when to help us. Thank heaven for little girls who teach
me such wonderful things.
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